Harnessing our Creative Genius

By Alexandra Meda, Christina Igaraividez, and Maya Malan-Gonzalez

Creative genius is not a far-off dream or a reserved virtue for the chosen few, but a fiery potential that resides within us all. Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds in history, professed,

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." We each have our unique mode of genius; the challenge is to discover it and let it shine.

The key is not in the sheer existence of our capacity for creative genius but in its realization and nurturing.

Creative genius is not a trait but a process, an approach to life where we see opportunities instead of problems. It’s the ability to connect disparate ideas, see relationships where others see none, and bring into existence what was previously unimaginable. Susan Sontag once said, "Invention, it must be humbly admitted, does not consist in creating out of void, but out of chaos."

One recently published study in “Creativity Research Journal” in 2021 illustrates that creative genius is a mix of traits, including openness, resilience, curiosity, and a willingness to take risks. (Sounds a little like our values huh?) These traits don’t just spring forth and suddenly make you prolific—- they must be nurtured and cultivated through mindful practice and environments that foster creativity over a significant period of time. It took us 22 years to actually name and identify for ourselves that everything we do at Studio Luna is about helping our audiences, artists, partners, and communities recognize their individual, undeniable, oh-so-powerful creative genius.

The Role of Rituals and Practices

You know we love a ritual and all sense of creative practices here at Studio Luna— and it is because their impact is undeniable—- and they play a crucial role in this cultivation of #creativegenius. Habits such as journaling, meditation, and regular exposure to unique and adventurous or even challenging experiences nurture our creative instincts. For instance, playwright and director Julie Taymor's creative ritual involved visiting the theater early, immersing herself in the empty space, allowing her senses to soak in the environment and spark her imagination. I imagine an energy exchange happening for her— and more importantly, an opening of both instinct and a sense of hallowed ground imbuing the mind and body.

There is no easy way into this next part of the equation, so let’s just jump in and name why privilege has such a profound influence on who actually gets to become a creative and an artist. Not that privilege is the only way to access success in the arts, but the evidence explicitly proves that abundance of resources make the journey that much easier. Studies show that our environments significantly impact our creative output. In a 2019 research paper published in "Environment and Behav” found that environments featuring novelty, flexibility, and variety stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving. This supports the idea that we can consciously curate our surroundings, rituals, and practices to bring out our inner creative genius. This fact, right here, is why we believe it is so important for us to keep fighting to keep our studio in Boyle Heights open— it provides us a creative space with tools ready to try, experiment, and make. And we want this to be accessible to those in our community and neighborhood. But we have to get our own creative genius on every month to figure out how to make that rent baby!

Creative Genius in Action

What are we always trying to shout from the motherfng mountain tops? CREATIVITY is ESSENTIAL for all INDUSTRIESand this myth that those studying the arts and cultivating their creativity are selfish or not mature or not setting themselves up for success is a lie that we consistently internalize and ends up blocking our ability to see alternative pathways to use the skills that bring us joy AND successfully earn money for our life. Creative genius is the magic sauce that has and continues to revolutionize industries. According to a 2020 IBM Global C-suite study, creativity is among the top three skills CEOs believe can significantly impact their organization. Embracing creative genius at the organizational level led companies like Apple to disrupt industries and rewrite the rules of the game. Admittedly Apple is a company with many inequities and systems of labor we do not support— but they did prove that art and aesthetics have a deep relationship to driving consumer habits— and like… we like pretty things.

Our creative genius also contributes significantly to the global economy, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! According to the 2020 Global Innovation Index, the creative economy – which encompasses audiovisual products, design, new media, performing arts, publishing, and visual arts – is growing at an annual rate of 7%, almost double the rate of the global economy. This growth highlights the transformative potential of our creative ideas and the opportunities that lie in harnessing our creative genius for good.

Recognizing and nurturing our creative genius is more than a personal endeavor; it's a societal necessity. As the world faces unprecedented challenges, our ability to imagine and create novel solutions will determine our future. And I am sure we don’t have to mention this to the kind of people reading this blog— but in education and academia, harnessing the power of creative genius has led to significant improvements in student engagement and learning outcomes. A 2021 report by the Brookings Institution showed that arts-integrated teaching methods, which foster creativity, resulted in higher retention rates, improved critical thinking skills, and increased student motivation. Education systems worldwide are rethinking their approach. A 2020 report from the World Economic Forum highlights the increasing importance of creativity in education, projecting that by 2030, creativity will be among the top three skills employers will seek. What What!

So why, again, are the arts and artists relegated to subservient positions but influencers and content creators celebrated and looked to for thought leadership? And where is the line between cultural norms we have internalized and our own passive repetition and even replication of these limitations that we play ourselves with— and more importantly— harm each other by? Be honest, have you ever gotten a little green with envy and frustration when you see people come up faster and easier than you did because things have changed since the time you started? But the reality is: that easing up IS progress that we need to celebrate. It isn’t about keeping things fair in terms of just as hard as it was for us— we should be trying to clear the way, right? And if we all recognized that we are each creative geniuses in our own right, we might not feel so OWED something for our unique unicorn fabulousness.

The Impact of Cultivating Creative Genius

For a women of color creative ensemble and Latina/x devised theatre company like Studio Luna, cultivating creative genius for ourselves and our people holds deep relevance and significance and is why it became one of our core values when we relaunched in 2022. Our stories, perspectives, and experiences - often overlooked in the mainstream narrative - are rich sources of untapped creativity that can challenge and redefine conventional notions of art, culture, and identity. But it goes so much farther than representation. It is about expanding our imagination of what life as a creator and as an artist can look like and can feel like. It is about believing we deserve a thriving life where we can support ourselves, our family, our health, our wealth, and each other because our gifts have value— and not just monetary. It is about building a new way of being in community, about crafting your own solidarity economy, and enacting structures that hold us rather than limit us.

By cultivating our creative genius, we create powerful works of art and contribute to personal and community healing. According to a 2021 report from the American Journal of Public Health, engagement in creative activities has been shown to reduce anxiety, stress, and mood disturbances, highlighting the therapeutic potential of creativity. This matters to our communities of color because we have one of the most concerning mental health crises in the US— and the rates of attempted suicide amongst Latinx teens continue to rise— and a lack of cultural connection is often cited as one of the primary reasons for this rise. One directly impacted by the space we give young people to cultivate their creative minds and bodies.

But it isn’t just about “fixing” cultural problems. It is about building resilience and capacity for leadership in any field you choose to enter. Building our creative genius fosters leadership, point blank periodT. Creativity is at the heart of innovation, problem-solving, and adaptability - necessary skills for effective leadership in any field. So stop turning off those instincts to create. To craft. To take risks. To Play. To Move. To Connect. To Be Vulnerable.

The Power of Belief & Making the Impossible, Possible

Finally, belief in our creative genius is crucial. Issa Rae, the genius behind "Insecure," once said, "I thrive on obstacles. If I'm told that it can't be done, then I push harder." This mindset embodies the essence of creative genius - a steadfast belief in our abilities and the courage to express our creativity, even in the face of adversity.

For my nerdy nerds, you already know that statistics affirm the power of belief in our potential for creative genius. In a study published in the "Journal of Experimental Social Psychology" in 2019, researchers found that people who believe in their ability to think creatively were more likely to achieve higher levels of creativity. It's not just about having a creative genius; it's about believing that we do. This is why white folks are able to pursue higher education and fancy internships in the arts at such higher rates— because space is made for them to believe in themselves and for their parent to have the capacity to support their children in these pursuits. Yes. So much of this is about socioeconomic status and the fact that it is IN FACT, NOT ACTUALLY FREE TO DREAM. But we don’t have to continue to perpetuate worlds where this remains true for us. Cuz when you know better, you can do better— right ?

This feels like a good time to drop in flowers as metaphors for our genitalia painter, George O’Keeffe who said,

"I have already settled it for myself, so flattery and criticism go down the same drain, and I am quite free."

Your voice of YES needs to be the loudest in your own mind, not the quietest.

A Call to Action

In each of us lies an untapped reservoir, a boundless potential for innovation and transformation. Whether launching a start-up, writing a novel, or leading a community project, we are all capable of extraordinary feats. The call to action is clear:

Believe in your creative genius.

Nourish it.

Make space for it in your life. Whether through daily rituals, investing time in creative pursuits, or cultivating an environment that sparks creativity, we must harness this inherent power within us.

And you do not have to do this alone.

And you don’t have to change everything about your life in a day.

Start small.

Start steady.

And do it in community...quite literally why we exist, so what do you want us to help you with? Drop us a comment below or an email here with what your current challenge is. Consider the words of Rumi, "Don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth." Therein lies the crux of our creative journey. It's about authoring our narrative, shaping our world, and, in the process, awakening the creative genius within. Check out our part two, which maps out 7 key ways to cultivate your creative genius next week.

We see you.

We hold space for you.

We are on the pathway of continuously re-meeting our #creativegenius with you,

Alex, Christina, and Maya


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