2025 Commitments: A Work In Progress 
Maya Malan-Gonzalez Maya Malan-Gonzalez

2025 Commitments: A Work In Progress 

I am, for the first time ever, struggling to put cogent thoughts together in developing Luna's annual commitments. Usually the clarity is there and it's an exciting race to capture it all. It generally looks like a fountain dangerously overflowing.

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CANVAS REBEL: Meet Studio Luna
Maya Malan-Gonzalez Maya Malan-Gonzalez

CANVAS REBEL: Meet Studio Luna

CANVAS REBEL Interviewed Studio Luna, check out the article to read juicy stories from our journey over the last 25 years.

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Smashed Between Two Convenings: Teatros Unidos Breaks Bread
Maya Malan-Gonzalez Maya Malan-Gonzalez

Smashed Between Two Convenings: Teatros Unidos Breaks Bread

Early November 2024 was a busy time for Latine Theatre makers and scholars and just lovers of Teatro in Los Angeles. The Latino Theatre Co. at The Los Angeles Theatre Center (LATC) was buzzing due to their third Encuentro and this Encuentro came with 2 convenings. The first was held from October 30th to November 2nd for the Latinx Theatre Commons (LTC) and the following weekend of November 7th to the 9th the National Latino Theatre Initiative (NLTI) gathered. In between these two gatherings, a not-so-secret meeting occurred between a small group, called Teatros Unidos.

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I Didn’t Know How To Process My Grief So I Made A Film
Maya Malan-Gonzalez Maya Malan-Gonzalez

I Didn’t Know How To Process My Grief So I Made A Film

I questioned myself as I read through the short film submission guidelines. The film is about 2 minutes shot from your phone on the very generic theme of “kindness” but you could win $1,000. I’m a freelancer and work for myself so it sounded like quick and easy money. The only problem was I really, really, really wanted it to be about my grandfather, Rafael Ruiz. 

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The Case for Funding Theater to Advance Social Justice
Maya Malan-Gonzalez Maya Malan-Gonzalez

The Case for Funding Theater to Advance Social Justice

On July, The Observer published an article “The Case for Funding Theater to Advance Social Justice: American theater needs new approaches to funding to realize its potential as a tool for social justice and community learning.” Written by Lane Sugata- and guess what? It mentions us! A small mention, sure. But none the less, we think it’s an important piece and wanted to share with you all.

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Cameras Rolling: Action on Jorge Huerta
Maya Malan-Gonzalez Maya Malan-Gonzalez

Cameras Rolling: Action on Jorge Huerta

For many years now Alex and myself have had a dream of creating a documentary to capture the legacies of our Teatro veteranos and the journeys of teatristas across generations… and finally after years of talking and talking and oh my god- so much talking, we finally said “Action” and started the damned thing.

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Plans Without Actions Are Just Distractions
Maya Malan-Gonzalez Maya Malan-Gonzalez

Plans Without Actions Are Just Distractions

Earlier this week Maya and Alex actually saw each other in person - A thing that had far more of an impact than we give credit to. We see each other every day on Zoom or Facetime and even though we connect like crazy, being together hits different in a way that makes it possible for some magic things to happen.

We sat down drafting out programming plans for the next TWO AND A HALF YEARS! Sounds basic to you? HA!

This was a herculean feat.

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Listen to our Episode on FROM THE GROUND UP Podcast!
Alexandra Meda Alexandra Meda

Listen to our Episode on FROM THE GROUND UP Podcast!

In June we got the joyful pleasure of joining Jeffrey Mosser, host of From the Ground Up for a pre-recorded live broadcast interview. We were asked about our evolution over a 25-year history of ensemble-based theater making and, notably, how a group of Latinx femmes moved from Chicago to LA…

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Exploring New Work Through Old Words
Maya Malan-Gonzalez Maya Malan-Gonzalez

Exploring New Work Through Old Words

Studio Luna has always been a home for developing new single author work. Saturday June 8th was an exciting day at the Studio, starting bright and early. We gathered a group of Latinas to explore a new project for our dear friend and colleague, Cristina Fernandez. 

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Curtain Call: Until Next Time
Alexandra Meda Alexandra Meda

Curtain Call: Until Next Time

As my time as a Producer in Residence at Studio Luna through the NNPN program comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on this journey. It’s been a period of growth, learning, and unforgettable experiences.

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Spring Reading List: All Things Collaboration 
Maya Malan-Gonzalez Maya Malan-Gonzalez

Spring Reading List: All Things Collaboration 

Whatever your relationship to reading, there are some foundational texts with concepts, tools, and frameworks that might serve you in almost every area of your life. And friends, each one of these books falls aggressively into this category.

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Luna's 6-part Deep Collaboration Roadmap
Maya Malan-Gonzalez Maya Malan-Gonzalez

Luna's 6-part Deep Collaboration Roadmap

This blog is a collaboration. It's a collaboration that is mostly easy and feels like your favorite pajamas because it’s been worn in, and you know, seemingly every inch of it out of the familiarity that is only bred over years and years.

But even our favorite pajamas need delicate soap to maintain their integrity. Care is one of the most underrated elements of a good, healthy, sustainable, deep collaboration.

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My First NNPN Showcase NYC
Alexandra Meda Alexandra Meda

My First NNPN Showcase NYC

I recently had the opportunity to experience an unforgettable adventure at the National New Play Network (NNPN) Showcase + celebrating the ✨25th anniversary✨

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Remembering Diane
grief, diane, brightspot, remembering, healing Alexandra Meda grief, diane, brightspot, remembering, healing Alexandra Meda

Remembering Diane

How are you doing coming out of Eclipse week? Over here, we feel re-birthed and, frankly, exhausted. However, part of starting a new chapter is taking stock of what got you to where you are now. For us, this kind of reflection usually brings us to some memory, some moment, some lesson we inherited collectively from Diane.

We think about Diane Rodriguez almost every day here in the Lunaverse. But especially this week, on the four-year anniversary of her passing, while here in Washington D.C. advocating for the health and thriveability of Non-Profit Theatres with a new bill, The Stage Act.

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Transformation Aint For The Faint Of Heart #HowWeValue
Alexandra Meda Alexandra Meda

Transformation Aint For The Faint Of Heart #HowWeValue

I’m embarrassed to write about it, but I feel strongly that I am supposed to invite anyone who has had that kind of talk with themselves or who still needs to whip out that mirror, sit down, and tell themselves: We have so much to celebrate because…

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